A two-year-old’s growth and achievements at 24 months are remarkable. Toddlers typically enhance their language skills, expressing themselves with more words and understanding simple instructions. They refine motor skills, mastering activities like stacking blocks and scribbling. Socially, they may engage in parallel play, enjoying the company of peers. Independence blossoms as they attempt to dress themselves. Keep encouraging their curiosity and providing a safe environment for exploration. Regular health checkups ensure they’re on track. This period is crucial for cognitive, emotional, and physical development, laying a foundation for future learning and relationships.

What are the Toddler’s Development and Milestones in the 24th Month

Language Skills

  • A vocabulary explosion occurs, with toddlers often learning and using new words daily. They may start combining words to form simple sentences.

Motor Skills

  • Both fine and gross motor skills continue to develop. Toddlers can build towers with blocks, turn pages in a book, and walk with more confidence.

Social Interaction

  • Increased interest in socializing emerges. Toddlers may engage in parallel play, imitating others, and expressing empathy for friends or caregivers.


  • A desire for independence becomes more apparent. Toddlers may insist on doing tasks by themselves, such as getting dressed or feeding.

Imagination and Pretend Play

  • Imaginative play becomes more sophisticated. Toddlers may engage in pretend scenarios, like feeding a doll or talking on a toy phone.

Emotional Development

  • Emotional expression improves. Toddlers can identify and communicate basic emotions, though they may still struggle with self-regulation.

Cognitive Skills

  • Problem-solving abilities advance. Toddlers can understand simple instructions and may sort objects by shape or color.

Toilet Training Readiness

  • Some toddlers show signs of readiness for toilet training. They may communicate discomfort with soiled diapers or express interest in using the potty.

What are the activities needed to Support your 24-month-old toddler’s development

Physical activities

  • Encourage walking, running, and jumping to help develop motor skills. Activities like rolling and dropping, hopping along, and walking games can also help


  • Encourage your toddler’s speech development by exposing them to new words and simple phrases. They may be able to answer simple questions, such as “what’s that animal?”

Teaching new skills

  • Teach your toddler new skills, such as matching games, getting dressed, and pouring water, to help develop their cognitive and motor skills


  • Childproof your home to prevent household accidents, such as falling down the stairs or accessing dangerous items

Party planning

  • Start planning your child’s second birthday party and send out invitations

What are the Mealtimes and Menus for Your 24-Month-Old


  • Offer a balanced breakfast that includes protein, whole grains, and fruit. Examples include oatmeal with fruit and nuts, scrambled eggs with whole-grain toast, and yogurt with granola and berries.

Morning snack

  • Offer a healthy snack, such as cheese and crackers, sliced fruit, or a smoothie


  • Offer a balanced lunch that includes protein, whole grains, and vegetables. Examples include a turkey and cheese sandwich on whole-grain bread, chicken and vegetable stir-fry with brown rice, or a quesadilla with beans and avocado

Afternoon snack

  • Offer a healthy snack, such as hummus and vegetables, yogurt with fruit, or a homemade granola bar.


  • Offer a balanced dinner that includes protein, whole grains, and vegetables. Examples include veggie lasagna, crispy cumin white fish with pineapple and avocado chunks and cilantro rice, or beans, rice, avocado, and roasted squash

What is the Sleep Schedule of your 24-Month-Old Toddler

Total daytime sleep

  • 1.5 – 2 hours on average, with most toddlers needing between 5.5 and 6 hours of awake time between sleep periods

Nap schedule

  • Most 24-month-olds should be on a one-nap schedule, with the nap occurring at midday


  • Toddlers typically need at least 11 hours of nighttime sleep. Most toddlers, preschoolers, and young children do best with a bedtime between 7:00 and 8:00 pm

Day in the Life of a 24-Month-Old Toddler


  • Typically eat 3 small meals and 2 snacks a day
  • Todller’s start to show picky eating behavior
  • It is recommended to offer new foods alongside already accepted foods and to keep mealtimes positive experiences


  • Most 24-month-olds should be on a one-nap schedule
  • Use a nightlight to ease the fear of the dark

Developmental Activities

  • Pretend play. Toddlers enjoy simple make-believe games, such as dressing up, playing with dolls, or using imaginary tools
  • Sorting. Children at this age start to sort items based on their characteristics, such as shape, size, or color
  • Reading and storytime. Sharing books and reading stories to your toddler helps develop their language skills and imagination
  • Singing and rhyming. Singing simple songs and reciting nursery rhymes with actions or animal sounds can aid in language development and cognitive skills
  • Puzzles and problem-solving. Offering basic puzzles and encouraging your toddler to solve simple problems helps develop their cognitive abilities
  • Physical play. Outdoor play and physical activities, such as walking, running, or jumping, promote motor development and overall health

Fun Facts

  • They can identify different body parts and understand most two-step instructions. They start to copy you frequently and repeat things they hear

Toddler’s Health at 24-Month-Old


  • Provide an adequate amount of water throughout the day to support hydration.
  • Limit sugary drinks and focus on water and milk as primary beverages.

Physical Activity

  • Encourage active play to support the development of gross and fine motor skills.
  • Aim for at least 3 hours of physical activity throughout the day.

Regular Check-ups

  • Schedule routine well-child check-ups with the pediatrician.
  • Keep vaccinations up to date according to the recommended schedule.

Emotional Well-being

  • Foster a supportive and loving environment to nurture emotional development.
  • Encourage expression of emotions and provide comfort during challenging moments.

Dental Care

  • Introduce proper dental hygiene, including regular brushing with child-friendly toothpaste.
  • Schedule the first dental check-up around the age of 1 or as recommended by the pediatrician.

Development Tips for Your Toddler This Month

Encourage pretend play

  • Pretend play helps develop your toddler’s imagination and social skills.

Offer opportunities for independence

  • Toddlers at this age are eager to do things for themselves, such as feeding themselves or getting dressed.

Read and talk to your toddler

  • Reading books and talking to your toddler helps develop their language skills and cognitive abilities.

Provide opportunities for physical activity

  • Encouraging outdoor play and physical activities, such as walking, running, or jumping, promotes motor development and overall health

Offer a variety of healthy foods

  • Providing a variety of healthy foods from all food groups helps support your toddler’s growth and development

Establish a consistent sleep routine

  • A consistent sleep routine helps promote healthy sleep habits and supports your toddler’s overall health and development

Items Needed on the 24th Month of Your Toddler

Healthy food options

  • Offer three small meals and two snacks a day with plenty of vegetables, fruit, protein, and whole grains in the mix.

Toothbrush and toothpaste

  • Encourage good dental habits, including brushing teeth twice a day with a small amount of toothpaste.


  • Reading books and talking to your toddler helps develop their language skills and cognitive abilities.

Outdoor play equipment

  • Encouraging outdoor play and physical activities, such as walking, running, or jumping, promotes motor development and overall health.

Safe play area

  • Ensure a safe play area and allow plenty of time for exploring and active play.

Water safety equipment

  • Be particularly vigilant to keep your toddler safe and reduce the risk of drowning.

Toddler utensils

  • Provide toddler utensils to allow your child lots of practice eating with a spoon and fork

Life as a Parent on Toddler’s 24th Month

Encourage healthy eating habits

  • Offer your toddler three small meals and two snacks a day with plenty of vegetables, fruit, protein, and whole grains in the mix.

Promote good dental habits

  • Encourage brushing teeth twice a day with a small amount of toothpaste and regular visits to the dentist.

Be vigilant about water safety

  • Keep a close eye on your toddler when they are playing in or near water to reduce the risk of drowning.

Be patient

  • Remember that each child develops at their own pace, and it’s essential to provide a safe and nurturing environment to support their growth and learning.

Checklist needed for the 24th Month


  • Schedule your toddler’s 24-month checkup, which includes a head-to-toe physical exam and autism spectrum disorder screening.


  • Offer three small meals and two snacks a day with plenty of vegetables, fruit, protein, and whole grains in the mix.

Dental care

  • Encourage good dental habits, including brushing teeth twice a day with a small amount of toothpaste.

Reading and storytime

  • Read to your toddler every day and keep screen time to a minimum (ideally no more than one per day, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics).

Physical activity

  • Provide opportunities for physical activity, such as walking, running, or jumping, and ensure a safe play area for outdoor play.

Last Updated on January 15, 2024